Covid 19 - Cases and Exams - Santigo de Chile

Currently there is a lot of conversation about when and how deconfinement can begin in Santiago de Chile. As already mentioned in a previous post on mobility, five communes in the the conurbation of Santiago and two more in the Metropolitan Region began phase two of the deconfinement plan Paso a Paso on the 28th July 2020.

This plan has five deconfinement steps from full quarantine to advanced opening. There are several criteria for when a commune can move forward or backward. The criteria are:

  • Regional Intensive Care Unit(ICU) occupation
  • National ICU occupation
  • Communal R rate
  • Projected rate of regional cases
  • Regional positivity
  • Percentage of isolated cases in 48 hours
  • Percentage of new cases that come from follow-up contacts

Taking this information into account, it is clear that the data for the number of cases is very important. If the number of new known cases is analyzed each day in the Metropolitan Region it is apparent that cases have been decreasing. However, to check if this improvement is real, it is necessary to compare the number of cases against the number of PCR tests. This is the objective of this post.

2) Packages

The following packages are used in this post.


3) Data

Data from the Ministry of Health in Chile is used, which can be downloaded from its github. Specifically, the following data is used:

  • product 3 - accumulated cases of Covid 19 at the regional level
  • product 7 - PCR tests at the regional level

4) Behavior of Known Cases in the Metropolitan Region

In order to map the number of cases in the Metropolitan Region some feature engineering is first done to prepare the data.

The data is filtered to only include data from the Metropolitan Region. Then the number of new cases every day is calculated. The figure for new cases on June 17 is changed as on that day 31,412 cases that were previously unknown, were added to the total of known cases. Therefore, for June 17 there is a figure of 32,230 new cases in the Metropolitan Region. This figure is changed to 4,022 cases so that the data only specifically reflects new known cases each day.

Metropolitana_Casos_Dia <- CasosTotalesCumulativo_T %>% select(Region, Metropolitana) %>% 
  mutate(NuevosCasosDia = Metropolitana - lag(Metropolitana)) 

Metropolitana_Casos_Dia[107,03] <- 4022

ggplot(data = Metropolitana_Casos_Dia) + geom_point(aes(x = Region, y = NuevosCasosDia)) + ylim(0,7000) + ggtitle("New Daily Cases") + ylab("New Daily Cases") + xlab("Date")

The graph above shows that new cases in the Metropolitan Region increased between May and the first half of June. The high point was June 14 with 5,647 new cases registered. Since that time the cases have been going down with 666 cases registered today on July 29. This is good news - but what happens when new cases are compared to the number of PCR tests?

5) Number of PCR Tests

Data for the number of daily PCR tests is available from April 9th. Therefore, new observations for March 3rd to April 8th are created, since March 3rd is when the data for new cases starts.

Metropolitana_PCR <- PCR_T %>% select(Region, Metropolitana) 

Metropolitana_PCR <- Metropolitana_PCR[-c(1:2),]

Metropolitana_PCR <- rbind(data_frame(Region = seq(as.Date("2020-03-03"), as.Date("2020-04-08"), "day"), 
           Metropolitana = rep(0, 37)), Metropolitana_PCR)

The two databases are combined and the new cases and PCR tests are graphed.

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR <- left_join(Metropolitana_Casos_Dia, Metropolitana_PCR, by = "Region")

colnames(Metropolitana_Casos_PCR) <- c("Fecha", "CasosAcumulados", "NuevosCasosDía", "ExamenesPCR")

ggplot(data = Metropolitana_Casos_PCR) + geom_point(aes(x = Fecha, y = NuevosCasosDía, color = ExamenesPCR)) + 
  scale_color_continuous(low = "blue", high = "green") + ggtitle("Daily Cases and PCR Tests") +
  ylab("Daily Cases") + xlab("Date")

The graph above shows how between the middle of June and the end of July the number of new cases has decreased but at the same time the number of examinations has also decreased. The following figures show the average number of daily PCR tests for 15 day periods since the beginning of May.

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR$Mes <- month(Metropolitana_Casos_PCR$Fecha)
Metropolitana_Casos_PCR$DiaMes <- day(Metropolitana_Casos_PCR$Fecha)

1st - 15th May

Average PCR tests each day = 7.171 Average Covid 19 cases each day = 1.310

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% filter(Mes == 5 & DiaMes %in% c(1:15)) %>% summary() #7171 #1310 
##      Fecha            CasosAcumulados NuevosCasosDía  ExamenesPCR        Mes   
##  Min.   :2020-05-01   Min.   :10516   Min.   : 872   Min.   :4570   Min.   :5  
##  1st Qu.:2020-05-04   1st Qu.:14118   1st Qu.: 971   1st Qu.:6284   1st Qu.:5  
##  Median :2020-05-08   Median :17979   Median :1151   Median :7173   Median :5  
##  Mean   :2020-05-08   Mean   :18550   Mean   :1310   Mean   :7171   Mean   :5  
##  3rd Qu.:2020-05-11   3rd Qu.:22013   3rd Qu.:1394   3rd Qu.:8092   3rd Qu.:5  
##  Max.   :2020-05-15   Max.   :29276   Max.   :2256   Max.   :9948   Max.   :5  
##      DiaMes    
##  Min.   : 1.0  
##  1st Qu.: 4.5  
##  Median : 8.0  
##  Mean   : 8.0  
##  3rd Qu.:11.5  
##  Max.   :15.0

16th - 31st May

Average PCR tests each day = 9.561 Average Covid 19 cases each day = 3.202

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% filter(Mes == 5 & DiaMes %in% c(16:31)) %>% summary() #9561 #3202
##      Fecha            CasosAcumulados NuevosCasosDía  ExamenesPCR   
##  Min.   :2020-05-16   Min.   :30794   Min.   :1518   Min.   : 6555  
##  1st Qu.:2020-05-19   1st Qu.:40282   1st Qu.:3036   1st Qu.: 8680  
##  Median :2020-05-23   Median :52972   Median :3348   Median : 9853  
##  Mean   :2020-05-23   Mean   :53902   Mean   :3202   Mean   : 9561  
##  3rd Qu.:2020-05-27   3rd Qu.:66987   3rd Qu.:3713   3rd Qu.:10658  
##  Max.   :2020-05-31   Max.   :80504   Max.   :4386   Max.   :11992  
##       Mes        DiaMes     
##  Min.   :5   Min.   :16.00  
##  1st Qu.:5   1st Qu.:19.75  
##  Median :5   Median :23.50  
##  Mean   :5   Mean   :23.50  
##  3rd Qu.:5   3rd Qu.:27.25  
##  Max.   :5   Max.   :31.00

1st - 15th June

Average PCR tests each day = 11.555 Average Covid 19 cases each day = 4.252

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% filter(Mes == 6 & DiaMes %in% c(1:15)) %>% summary() #11555 #4252
##      Fecha            CasosAcumulados  NuevosCasosDía  ExamenesPCR   
##  Min.   :2020-06-01   Min.   : 85239   Min.   :2955   Min.   : 7792  
##  1st Qu.:2020-06-04   1st Qu.: 97478   1st Qu.:3686   1st Qu.:10992  
##  Median :2020-06-08   Median :112136   Median :4128   Median :11550  
##  Mean   :2020-06-08   Mean   :112833   Mean   :4252   Mean   :11555  
##  3rd Qu.:2020-06-11   3rd Qu.:126914   3rd Qu.:4896   3rd Qu.:12278  
##  Max.   :2020-06-15   Max.   :144280   Max.   :5647   Max.   :14331  
##       Mes        DiaMes    
##  Min.   :6   Min.   : 1.0  
##  1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.: 4.5  
##  Median :6   Median : 8.0  
##  Mean   :6   Mean   : 8.0  
##  3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:11.5  
##  Max.   :6   Max.   :15.0

16th - 30th June

Average PCR tests each day = 9.144 Average Covid 19 cases each day = 3.111

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% filter(Mes == 6 & DiaMes %in% c(16:30)) %>% summary() #9144 #3111
##      Fecha            CasosAcumulados  NuevosCasosDía  ExamenesPCR   
##  Min.   :2020-06-16   Min.   :148302   Min.   :2255   Min.   : 6143  
##  1st Qu.:2020-06-19   1st Qu.:189776   1st Qu.:2538   1st Qu.: 7942  
##  Median :2020-06-23   Median :200861   Median :3021   Median : 9508  
##  Mean   :2020-06-23   Mean   :197809   Mean   :3111   Mean   : 9144  
##  3rd Qu.:2020-06-26   3rd Qu.:210340   3rd Qu.:3696   3rd Qu.: 9918  
##  Max.   :2020-06-30   Max.   :219151   Max.   :4421   Max.   :11662  
##       Mes        DiaMes    
##  Min.   :6   Min.   :16.0  
##  1st Qu.:6   1st Qu.:19.5  
##  Median :6   Median :23.0  
##  Mean   :6   Mean   :23.0  
##  3rd Qu.:6   3rd Qu.:26.5  
##  Max.   :6   Max.   :30.0

1st - 15th July

Average PCR tests each day = 7.321 Average Covid 19 cases each day = 1.480

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% filter(Mes == 7 & DiaMes %in% c(1:15)) %>% summary() #7321 #1480
##      Fecha            CasosAcumulados  NuevosCasosDía  ExamenesPCR   
##  Min.   :2020-07-01   Min.   :220467   Min.   : 690   Min.   : 4439  
##  1st Qu.:2020-07-04   1st Qu.:227168   1st Qu.:1316   1st Qu.: 5424  
##  Median :2020-07-08   Median :232158   Median :1431   Median : 7928  
##  Mean   :2020-07-08   Mean   :231984   Mean   :1480   Mean   : 7321  
##  3rd Qu.:2020-07-11   3rd Qu.:237530   3rd Qu.:1674   3rd Qu.: 8963  
##  Max.   :2020-07-15   Max.   :241345   Max.   :2236   Max.   :10072  
##       Mes        DiaMes    
##  Min.   :7   Min.   : 1.0  
##  1st Qu.:7   1st Qu.: 4.5  
##  Median :7   Median : 8.0  
##  Mean   :7   Mean   : 8.0  
##  3rd Qu.:7   3rd Qu.:11.5  
##  Max.   :7   Max.   :15.0

16th - 29th July

Average PCR tests each day = 8.089 Average Covid 19 cases each day = 929

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% filter(Mes == 7 & DiaMes %in% c(16:29)) %>% summary() #8089 #929
##      Fecha            CasosAcumulados  NuevosCasosDía    ExamenesPCR   
##  Min.   :2020-07-16   Min.   :242572   Min.   : 660.0   Min.   : 5588  
##  1st Qu.:2020-07-19   1st Qu.:246224   1st Qu.: 748.8   1st Qu.: 7104  
##  Median :2020-07-22   Median :248854   Median : 901.5   Median : 8487  
##  Mean   :2020-07-22   Mean   :248928   Mean   : 929.2   Mean   : 8089  
##  3rd Qu.:2020-07-25   3rd Qu.:251921   3rd Qu.:1049.5   3rd Qu.: 9078  
##  Max.   :2020-07-29   Max.   :254354   Max.   :1501.0   Max.   :10138  
##       Mes        DiaMes     
##  Min.   :7   Min.   :16.00  
##  1st Qu.:7   1st Qu.:19.25  
##  Median :7   Median :22.50  
##  Mean   :7   Mean   :22.50  
##  3rd Qu.:7   3rd Qu.:25.75  
##  Max.   :7   Max.   :29.00

These averages are stored in data frame a, with the averages being graphed below.

a <- tibble(Period = c("01 - 15 mayo", "16 - 31 mayo", "01 - 15 junio", "16 - 30 junio", "01 - 15 julio", "16 - 29 julio"),
           NewCasesDailyAvergae = c(1310, 3202, 4252, 3111, 1480, 929), PCRTestDailyAverage = c(7171, 9561, 11555, 9144, 7321, 8089))

## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   Period        NewCasesDailyAvergae PCRTestDailyAverage
##   <chr>                        <dbl>               <dbl>
## 1 01 - 15 mayo                  1310                7171
## 2 16 - 31 mayo                  3202                9561
## 3 01 - 15 junio                 4252               11555
## 4 16 - 30 junio                 3111                9144
## 5 01 - 15 julio                 1480                7321
## 6 16 - 29 julio                  929                8089
level_order_periodo <- c("01 - 15 mayo", "16 - 31 mayo", "01 - 15 junio", "16 - 30 junio", "01 - 15 julio", "16 - 29 julio")

ggplot(a) + geom_point(aes(x = factor(Period, levels = level_order_periodo) , y = NewCasesDailyAvergae), color = "red") +
  geom_point(aes(x = factor(Period, levels = level_order_periodo), y = PCRTestDailyAverage), color = "Blue") + 
  ggtitle("Average daily cases and PCR tests for 15 day periods") + ylab("New Cases = Red / PCR Tests = Blue") +

This graph shows several interesting points. First, it shows that the number of new cases and PCR tests in the Metropolitan Region have had similar behaviors throughout the pandemic. When the cases have increased, the examinations have also increased. Likewise, when the cases have dropped, the tests have also dropped. This has been the case for all periods except the most recient (July 16 - 29). The increase and reduction rates for the cases and exams are calculated below.

a %>% mutate(CasesRate = (NewCasesDailyAvergae / lag(NewCasesDailyAvergae))*100) %>% mutate(TestRate = (PCRTestDailyAverage / lag(PCRTestDailyAverage))*100) %>% mutate(positivity = (NewCasesDailyAvergae/PCRTestDailyAverage)*100) %>% select(Period, CasesRate, TestRate, positivity)
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   Period        CasesRate TestRate positivity
##   <chr>             <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 01 - 15 mayo       NA       NA         18.3
## 2 16 - 31 mayo      244.     133.        33.5
## 3 01 - 15 junio     133.     121.        36.8
## 4 16 - 30 junio      73.2     79.1       34.0
## 5 01 - 15 julio      47.6     80.1       20.2
## 6 16 - 29 julio      62.8    110.        11.5

The increase and redcution rates for cases and examenes across the 15 day study periods show that:

Between May 1 and June 15 the rates of increase for the tests were 133% and 121%. The rate of increase for cases was positive with 244% and 133%. This behavior shows that with more tests the number of cases also increases. It also shows that in that period there was a very high rate of positivity. For example, for the period May 16 - 31, the positivity rate was 33.5%, that is to say that 33.5% of the tests for Covid 19 came back positive. The positivity for the period June 01 - 15 was also high with 36.8%.

At the beginning of July the government in Chile began to speak of a “slight improvement” with a reduction in cases. It is true that the known cases fell in the second half of June (27% reduction compared to the first half of the month) but despite that the number of examinations also fell with a very similar rate (20.9% reduction), as well as that, the rate of positivity remained very high at 34%.

In July cases have continued to decline, and this time there is some positive news. Firstly, in the first half of July, cases fell with a reduction of 52.4%%, with tests only dropping by 19.9%; which means that for that period the positivity rate was 20.2% and much closer to the 15%, 10%, 5%, and 1% required to move to different steps of deconfinement.

Furthermore, in the second half of July, cases have continued to decrease, with an increase in the number of examinations. This has resulted in a positivity rate of 11.5%.

To summarize with regards to these figures - they suggest that the situation in Santiago is improving. Yes in the second half of June when the cases decreased, it was only a reflection of the reduction in tests, but since then the cases have continued to decline, with the number of PCR tests decreasing much less or even increasing.

The graph below illustrates this point further with the normalization of cases being shown - that is, how many cases would there have been each day if 9,206 (third quartile of tests per day) had been done each day.

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       0    1656    6547    5845    9206   14331
Metropolitana_Casos_PCR <- Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% mutate(CasesNormalizados = (9206/ExamenesPCR)*NuevosCasosDía) <- sapply(Metropolitana_Casos_PCR, is.infinite)
Metropolitana_Casos_PCR[] <- 0
ggplot(data = Metropolitana_Casos_PCR) + geom_line(aes(x = Fecha, y = NuevosCasosDía), color = "red") + 
  geom_line(aes(x = Fecha, y = CasesNormalizados)) + ggtitle("Known new cases vs. Normalized cases") + ylab("Red = New Cases, Black = Normalized Cases") + xlab("Date")

The above graph shows that the number of normalized cases has been following the same pattern as the real cases in July. Yes, the normalized cases are a little higher, with an average difference in July of + 284 cases, but they are reducing. Therefore it is fair to say that there has been a “slight improvement”. However, the fight against the virus must continue in Chile, respecting the rules of social distancing, the use of a mask and it would also always be good to increase the number of PCR tests, with tests done randomly on members of the public. With more tests the real situation with respect to Covid 19 con be better understood. Thank you very much for reading this publication, and hopefully it has been informative.

Metropolitana_Casos_PCR %>% filter(Mes == 7) %>% mutate(Diferencia = CasesNormalizados - NuevosCasosDía) %>% summary()
##      Fecha            CasosAcumulados  NuevosCasosDía  ExamenesPCR   
##  Min.   :2020-07-01   Min.   :220467   Min.   : 660   Min.   : 4439  
##  1st Qu.:2020-07-08   1st Qu.:232158   1st Qu.: 864   1st Qu.: 6349  
##  Median :2020-07-15   Median :241345   Median :1088   Median : 8332  
##  Mean   :2020-07-15   Mean   :240164   Mean   :1214   Mean   : 7692  
##  3rd Qu.:2020-07-22   3rd Qu.:248352   3rd Qu.:1501   3rd Qu.: 8983  
##  Max.   :2020-07-29   Max.   :254354   Max.   :2236   Max.   :10138  
##       Mes        DiaMes   CasesNormalizados   Diferencia     
##  Min.   :7   Min.   : 1   Min.   : 818.8    Min.   :-142.81  
##  1st Qu.:7   1st Qu.: 8   1st Qu.:1055.1    1st Qu.:  44.85  
##  Median :7   Median :15   Median :1354.9    Median : 139.41  
##  Mean   :7   Mean   :15   Mean   :1497.6    Mean   : 283.74  
##  3rd Qu.:7   3rd Qu.:22   3rd Qu.:1906.7    3rd Qu.: 379.15  
##  Max.   :7   Max.   :29   Max.   :2806.0    Max.   :1452.97
James Attwood
James Attwood
Data Scientist
